Dash-Spotify is a Spotify dashboard which list user top songs, artists and more made using React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, Spotify API and Django.

Technologies used:ReactNextJSTailwindCSSSpotify APIDjango

The wQchat project, developed from February 2023 to May 2023, used React-Native CLI, Redux-Toolkit, Redux-Saga, and Firebase. It included a username-based search feature for finding users, a friend request system, and a real-time chat feature with push notifications. The project aimed to enhance user connectivity and communication on the platform, providing a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Technologies used:React NativeReduxFirebase

Clash Metrics is a realtime player data dashboard made using React, NextJS, TailwindCSS, Clash of Clans API and Django.

Technologies used:ReactNextJSTailwindCSSClash of Clans APIDjango

Personal Blog made using Incremental Static Regeneration(ISR) Next.js, Github Graphql API to list and fetch Markdowns From repository and then render them with remark.

Technologies used:ReactNextJSTailwindCSSGithub APIDjango

An android app built using react-native which fetches real time device informations like battery stats and cpu and gpu specs by using android APIs with the help of native-modules

Technologies used:React-nativereduxmmkv-storage